A resident of Georgetown, Guyana, South America has reported to this publication that he bought a pair of Havianas slippers at a Chinese store in Georgetown for just $500 GYD. A pair of Havianas retail in Brazil for at least $1000.00 GYD, and some models cost as much as $10,000. When you add shipping, import duties and profit to that, it is impossible to sell a pair of Havainas for $500 GYD unless it is fake.
It is very likely that this product is fake and uses the Brazilian registered Haviana brand illegally. Nowadays, Chinese copy almost everything. However, the process of copying and mass manufacturing often does not pay attention to details and quality. By purchasing fake products you risk getting inferior and also dangerous products.
We have not done a 100% thorough investigation to find out of the Havainas in question is indeed fake. However, there is a high probability that it is for the following reasons:
- It was being sold at a Chinese store.
- It was being sold way below market price.
- The customer, who had used Havianas from Brazil before, said that the quality did not feel the same.
Create fake products harms both consumers and original manufacturers. Remember, that people have worked hard to create a brand that they can be proud of, that people love, and that delivers quality. They try to sell that product at the most reasonable price possible after considering all costs of production. When Chinese companies manufactures low-quality fake products, but use the same brand and design as the other, they not only steal the hard work of another group, but they also make it difficult for the original manufacturers to sell their product.
Over the years, we have received reports of Brazilian products such as brand name perfumes and creams being sold way below market price. We often wondered if these products could be fake. However, we do not have any hard evidence at the moment.
In the meantime, you can protect yourself and your hard earned money by being careful about where you shop for brand name Brazilian products. Make sure that the business is connected to Brazil, and if necessary, ask the owners in the nice way if they can give you some verification that they are importing from Brazil.
When you purchase from this website, or from one of our authorized resellers, you are 100% sure that your products are coming from Brazil and that they are 100% original.